With the large amount of competition out there, strengthening your customer service skills is extremely important when trying to generate repeat customers. It’s important to make sure that your customer service representative(s) has the right skills for handling your customers’ needs. Managing expectations is one of the most important aspects to maintaining a healthy & rewarding relationship with clients. Consistently having positive interactions
Over the past few years, we’ve seen video marketing go from a niche to a legitimate and established marketing strategy. According to YouTube, more than 1 billion unique users visit the site each month, spending more than 4 billion hours watching video content! Furthermore, four days of content are uploaded every minute. Wait a second, that can’t be right- 4 days per
“Find us on Facebook!” “Tweet us your feedback!” “Check out our reviews on Google+!” For most consumers, sayings like these have become common place when it comes to interacting with a brand or company. Why? Simply put, social media has become a valuable marketing strategy that businesses just cannot ignore. Now, that’s not to say that print ads and other
When you think of Pinterest, you likely think of hundreds of recipes, countless DIY projects, and a goldmine of home decor inspiration that maybe one day you’ll actually utilize. What you’re not thinking – Pinterest eats its competitors alive. Since the site’s launch in 2010 this visual bookmarking, online scrapbook of sorts has been steadily (and secretly) sneaking up on
The days of cracking open a phone book and searching for the number of your local repair man are long gone. Instead, customers are searching for HVAC companies on Google from desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, televisions…the list goes on. So if your HVAC company’s website is lacking, you’re likely missing out on a lot of potential customers. Before investing in
If you haven’t already made the switch to responsive web design, now is the time to do it. Having a responsive website means that you will have one domain with one set of code that is styled to automatically resize based on the device a user is viewing it in. This type of design allows your website to be user-friendly