How to achieve good organic rankings

How To Achieve Good Organic Rankings – Is It Just Luck?

When completing a Google search for a product or service, have you ever wondered WHY certain websites land the top spots? Let’s face it, all businesses want to appear in the number one position during their audience’s micro-moments, but those that do aren’t there because they just got lucky – there are a number of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies being put to work behind the scenes to get them there.

Below, we’re sharing a few of our top tips for brands that are looking to improve their organic rankings.

Know What’s Being Searched For

If consumers aren’t familiar with your business name, then how are they to come across you in a search? The answer here is: as a result of the topics they’re looking for and the keywords they’re using (though, of course it helps when they know your business too!). When it comes to figuring out which keywords to go after, start by researching which are getting the most search volume. Then, you can narrow things down a bit to figure out which keywords YOUR audience is most likely to search for specifically. But don’t worry about getting too caught up on the keyword side of things – as of late, entities and topics are proving to be more important than exact terms and/or phrases considering that search engines are more readily able to recognize what users are getting at during a search.

Start a Blog

Your website should be more than just a collection of pages filled with information about your product(s) and/or service(s) – it should also host a blog that you update regularly. Why? Search engines are huge fans of fresh, valuable content, so if you have a place where you’re regularly sharing high quality content with your audience, you just might find that you’re ahead of other non-bloggers in terms of organic rankings.

Optimize Your Page Titles

Even if they aren’t the first (or even the last) thing your audience sees when visiting different pages of your website, page titles are certainly something Google keeps an eye on. In fact, Google suggests that page titles are the second most important part of an on-page SEO strategy – did you know that page titles are the first thing Google sees when it looks at a page? When optimizing your page titles, make sure you carefully consider what the page is about – your page titles should always be relevant to the content that can be found on them. In order to optimize your page titles to the best of your ability, refer back to your keywords as well; it’s always helpful to incorporate one whenever possible when describing the nature of the page.

Along with following these three tips — as well as the many others that our SEO team can offer by working with your business — don’t forget about the role that social media plays in improving your organic rankings. If you aren’t active on the platforms that best speak to your brand, it’s time to get there.

Here at Ferocious Media, our SEO and social media experts work closely together to develop a strategy that can place your brand in front of your audience during their “I-want-to-know,” “I-want-to-go,” “I-want-to-do,” and “I-want-to-buy” moments. For more information about our search engine optimization and social media marketing solutions, contact us today!

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