Easy Ways to Spread Your Brand Through Social Media

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Social media marketing is a key way for small businesses to reach a large number of potential customers for an affordable price.


Just a few years ago, it took thousands of dollars and the expert skills of advertising and PR firms to develop, create and execute a brand image for your business. This expensive price tag for this service created a major obstacle for small businesses. 

Thanks to social media, you can now operate and manage your branding campaigns on different social networking platforms within your budget.

Sites like TwitterFacebook, Google + and Flickr give you the ability to construct and distribute your brand to hundreds, even thousands of consumers when used properly.

According to an article published by SmallBusiness.FoxBusiness.com, Social media is voluntary and requires users to sign in, sign up, or follow. These tools ask followers to take action, and encourage them to interact and join a conversation. That conversation helps you understand what is important to your customers and enables you to fine-tune your products and services, keeping you current and relevant. The more the interaction, the deeper the engagement and buy in.

Be sure to view these tips provided by Fox Business before starting your social media marketing campaign.

Clearly define what you want your brand to look like. What is the message you are conveying and does it help you stand out from your competitors? Identify what about your business and the services and products you provide keep your customers satisfied and coming back. Once you isolate your differentiating qualities, you can build a social media program that delivers the right message to your customers. 

Decide on which social media sites you want to spend your time. Social media can take up a great deal of time unless it is targeted to where your customers live. Who is your target audience? Where can you find them? 


Twitter and Facebook are both great places to reach a potential customer base, while LinkedIn can be a great way to go if you want to market to consumers and businesses. 

Each social site offers you ways to drive toward specific types of groups so you will be reaching the right target market every time. 

Offer something of value besides your own product or service. No one wants to be sold to all the time and if that is all you offer, you will lose your followers. Always consider “what’s in it for them.”

Social media is all about conversation, content, and engagement. Be generous and give information freely, pass along other people’s tips, bargains, ideas and give credit whenever possible. Generosity helps shape your brand and creates a positive environment for your followers and readers. It keeps them connected and keeps them coming back for more. 
Track your results. Create ways to track the success of social media efforts so you know what medium works best. Use different contact numbers and different web addresses on each site so you can easily attribute revenue and activity by site and by promotion. 
Review, revise and eliminate offerings, promotions, and groups that are not working.  You will be saving time for yourself while creating a more streamlined social media program.
Be Responsive. Make someone responsible for checking your social media outlets every day and respond to questions, comments and requests. How you respond provides potential customers with insight into what the experience will be of using your services or buying your products.
For more information or tips on Social Media Marketing please call Ferocious Media today at (800) 454-9103 or visit us online.


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