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7 Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Social Presence

Spring has sprung, and though it may be hard to believe for those of us still fighting the bitter cold, birds will be chirping and flowers will be blooming before we know it! As we wait anxiously and prepare for the great outdoors to come alive again in all its glory this season, there’s something else we hope will re-emerge more beautiful than ever before. You guessed it, it’s your social media presence!

If it’s been awhile since you paid your business’s social pages some attention, there’s no better time to start pruning them for success than now — with these 7 simple spring cleaning tips:

1.Update your business information. Are you still boasting the same business description you threw together on a whim when you created your Facebook or Twitter page a few years back? If so, a refresh is in order! Comb through the business description options for each social platform, making sure they are consistent and filled out completely. You might be surprised to see that some new fields have been added that you aren’t even taking advantage of yet — like the services, offers and job postings tabs on Facebook.

2. Check on your calls-to-action. While you’re combing through your business pages, make sure you’ve providing folks with as many easy ways to contact you as possible. This starts with listing accurate address, phone number and email information, but doesn’t end there. Several platforms also have the option to add call-to-action buttons front and center, which can be customized to direct followers to specific points of contact with ease.

3. Add any upcoming events. Let your followers know what’s going on behind the scenes. Will you be sponsoring a charity event or hosting a booth at a local conference or fair? If so, share those upcoming events on your social pages via pinned posts or in Facebook’s events section. If you don’t have any events coming down the pike, consider looking into opportunities to showcase your business and interact with your community in the warmer months.

4. Refresh your profile graphics. Your social media graphics should be consistent across all platforms and in-line with the branding efforts on your website and in digital advertising. In short, you want your presence to be clearly recognizable no matter where folks find you — we call this optimizing brand recognition and creating authority. If your cover and profile photos are blurry, old, or don’t feature company colors and messaging, it’s time for a professional upgrade.

5.Respond to recent reviews. Sure, you may be posting great content and getting a ton of comments, messages and reviews, but if you’re not interacting with those followers, you’re missing out. When followers leave comments and reviews on your social pages, use that as an opportunity to strengthen or repair those relationships, while also showcasing your company’s commitment to customer satisfaction. Build relationships, offer customer service, and put a real-live voice behind your brand — that’s the name of the social media game!

6. Re-evaluate your audience. Take some time to redefine your target audience on each platform. Remember, your followers on Facebook or Instagram might be very different than your followers on Twitter, and so on. First, decide who it is that you want to reach, and then do a bit of data digging to figure out where those audiences are hiding.

7. Create a digital marketing plan. The best way to ensure you’re tailoring content accordingly to appeal to both current and potential customers is with a well-thought out social media plan. Consider upcoming events, holidays and promotions. Think about overarching themes and campaign ideas you want to execute over the course of the next year. Finally, create a foolproof editorial calendar to structure your messaging and make it easier to stick to a posting and sharing schedule.

Cleaning up your social media presence and planning content for the future can be challenging and time consuming, but it’s well worth the effort! However, we know that as busy business owners, sometimes your hectic schedules running from appointment to appointment can leave little time to tend to your digital persona. Fortunately for you, there’s Ferocious Media!

If you need help getting started with your spring cleaning checklist, allow our seasoned Social Media Analysts to take the lead. We’ll make sure your social pages are sparkling and properly optimized, so you can give your full attention to what really matters — your customers! 

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