Facebook Wants You to Boost Your Posts — But There’s a Better Way

Whether you’re a small business owner or a social media marketer, you’re no stranger to Facebook’s “Boost Post” button. And as of late, the social network firmly suggests brands and advertisers pull the trigger, promising that “boosted posts appear higher in News Feed and on Instagram.”

Facebook Ads | Ferocious Media | Boosting PostIt’s true, too. Setting aside a budget to boost posts on your Facebook Page will certainly improve reach and likely result in increased engagement. But we’re here to fill you in on a little secret: There’s a better, more effective way to get your posts seen by your target audience.

Here at Ferocious Media, we use Facebook’s powerful (and aptly named) Power Editor to build Page Post Engagement ads. While its objective is the same as that of Boosted Posts — to boost posts — constructing a Page Post Engagement campaign is our preferred method of getting your brand’s Facebook status updates, photos and videos seen by the right people at the right time.

It all comes down to targeting. Yes, the options available today for Boosted Posts are more robust than they were even just a few months ago. However, boosting a post still pales in comparison to creating a Page Post Engagement ad. Power Editor allows brands and marketers to get down to the nitty gritty:

  • Demographics (i.e., age, gender, relationship status, education level, and income)
  • Interests (i.e., entertainment, fitness and wellness, hobbies and activities, and food and drink)
  • Behaviors (i.e. mobile device users, purchase habits, digital activities, and frequent travelers)

power-editor-piece-1And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The targeting capabilities available through Power Editor are literally too detailed to list. Moreover, when you set up a Page Post Engagement campaign in Power Editor, you’ll also get a more detailed breakdown of its results — and isn’t that what it’s all about?

So the next time Facebook suggests you boost a post, we urge you to reconsider. It may be an easier way to bring exposure to your Facebook Page’s content, but if you’re not reaching the right audience, you’re quite frankly wasting time, effort and money.

Advertising on Facebook is one of the most targeted opportunities available. Skip the Boost Post button, and allow Ferocious Media to deliver your brand message to relevant Facebook users who will be more inclined to interact with your posts, your Page and your business.


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