Micro-Moments: Changing the Face of Marketing

We’ve all done it – sat in front of our computers researching a product, service or experience for hours. But as technology continues to play an important role in our lives, and with the rise of mobile seemingly not slowing down, the advertising game has officially changed. The new name of the game? Micro-moments.

Thanks to mobile, micro-moments can happen anytime, anywhere. In those moments, consumers expect brands to address their needs with real-time relevance and on the device and channel that they are using.

What are Micro-Moments?

Micro-moments aren’t limited to any one industry, generation or type of purchase. Today’s consumers are more connected than ever, giving way to hundreds of micro-moments per person in a single day. What are those micro-moments exactly? Below, take a look at how Google defines them:


Micro-Moments and Brands

What does it all mean for marketers and brand strategists? In a world where shoppers rely heavily on smartphones, online research can guide buying decisions right down to the very last minute. Use this as leverage — assist consumers in micro-moments, and your brand will come out on top.

Here are a few ideas on how to assist your customers and help sway consumer behavior:

  • Offer information— Create content that gives shoppers the answers and advice they need to be confident about their purchase.
  • Create video— Year over year, product review video views have increased by 50 percent. How-tos, answers to FAQs and product demos are all great ideas.
  • Make purchasing easier— Once a consumer has made a decision, going on to make a purchase should be smooth and simple, whether online or in-store. Link content to your ecommerce store, and consider local inventory ads to direct shoppers to nearby stores.

Knowing just how much power mobile technology has over today’s consumers, brands need to re-strategize. Rethink your approach to advertising and content marketing – starting with how to be visible during these micro-moments.  It takes a certain level of expertise to succeed at creating seamless experiences for consumers on their mobile devices, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Ferocious Media is a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in making the most of micro-moments, from I-want-to-know to I-want-to-buy. Don’t forget to stay in touch with us on Facebook for more digital advertising tips!

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