What is Yahoo Gemini?

In 2010 Yahoo and Bing formed a partnership that allowed search marketers to manage paid search campaigns through one interface – Microsoft adCenter. Now that their 5 year agreement has reached its end, terms have been renegotiated with important ramifications for the PPC industry. While Microsoft adCenter continues to be relevant, there is a new platform emerging that you may have heard about called Yahoo Gemini.

Gemini is Yahoo’s new paid search platform in the same manner as adCenter is to Bing or AdWords is to Google. It opens up a new arena for advertisers, particularly early adopters who can benefit from low competition. As a result of Yahoo’s changes to their partnership with Microsoft, they are only required to use Bing ads for the majority of its search traffic, or 51% instead of 100%. Full details can be found in Yahoo’s press release on the amended partnership from April. Yahoo Gemini will fulfill the remaining percentage of search traffic.

Gemini Search Advertising

Gemini search works very similar to what PPC advertisers are used to. Campaigns are set up with keywords, text ads, sitelinks, call extensions, geographical targeting, ad scheduling, etc. The ads are eligible to serve on 100% of mobile traffic on Yahoo. They are also eligible to serve on some desktop searches, which will be important as Yahoo recently signed a 5 year deal with Mozilla to be their default browser. This deal could help increase market share for Yahoo and expand the potential reach of advertisers.

Gemini Native Advertising

Native advertising gives advertisers the opportunity to reach consumers at a different point in their buying cycle than search. Instead of people actively searching for your product or service, native advertising displays ads on related websites such as Tumblr, Yahoo News, Yahoo mail and Internet articles. Ads can be in image or video format and are made to look as though they are a part of the site that they are on – not like a traditional ad. The purpose of this is to create a better user experience and increase engagement with ads. Native advertising is a great opportunity to increase brand awareness and reach potential customers who may not be actively searching for your product or service just yet. Can you tell which of these images is a paid ad?

Joanna blog


The answer is the 3 Best Luxury 2015 SUV’s ad.  It looks seamless next to the other images.

Ferocious Media is a Yahoo! Preferred Partner and we look forward to the benefits Yahoo Gemini can bring to our clients!  For more information on how we can help you get started on Yahoo Gemini contact a Ferocious Media Media Consultant today!

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