Social Media Tips: Get Out Of Your Content Rut

Ever run into a situation where finding content to post on social media seems near impossible? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Finding “engaging content” is only part of the battle, let alone choosing the best time to send it out. Even the most active and influential social media experts get stuck in a rut some days, so here are a few ideas to get you back on track:

Go Back To The Basics.

Remember those days when we would wake up and go downstairs to find our parents reading the daily newspaper while drinking their cup of morning joe? The same sort of thing is going on today, except with a digital spin. People are now checking their smartphones, tablets and laptops at the breakfast table, while brushing their teeth, and doing their hair. This is a peak time to send out content and watch your engagement levels skyrocket.

Who Doesn’t Like a Good Deal?

I’ll go out on a limb and say chances are pretty good that you’re following at least 3­5 of your favorite brands on social media. Isn’t it nice when they post a coupon or discount code, especially when you’ve been waiting for that certain item to go on sale? Show your fans some appreciation with simple, yet fun posts that include quizzes, contests, discounts or giveaways.


If you’re really looking to increase engagement, give a #MondayMotivation post a try. A short and to-the-point quote that your followers can relate to will catch their eyes and reflect your brand’s image. Not to mention, you can create your own overlay on an image with a variety of free design programs that will be “shared” like the “Alex From Target” video. Sharing is caring, right?

So the next time you can’t think of something to post, put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What is it that they will be willing to engage with and pass on to their friends and family? After all, engaging content doesn’t come naturally to everybody.

Want to learn more about the ins and outs of social media? Be sure to follow Ferocious Media on Facebook or visit our website to speak with one of our experts.

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