How Long Does It Take To Index A New Website On Google

On average, it can take anywhere from two days to three months to rank a new website on Google. There are however certain measures that can be taken during the website launch process to expedite this process.

Check Your Code – When launching a new website, always make sure to double check that there are no lingering no-index tags left on the website. Having these on your site will prevent Google from indexing your site.

Set Up Google Search Console – When you are done building your site and set it live, verify it on Google’s Search Console. This will ping Google, making it aware of your site.  Make sure to run through all the important steps so that Google is aware of all the pages on your website.  This includes generating and uploading an XML Sitemap.  You can do this for free at!

Once you have verified your website and submitted your sitemap, force a recrawl to let Google know the site is ready to be indexed.  When crawls are requested, most websites can expect to be indexed within one week.

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